luni, 12 noiembrie 2007

A Mouse Is Not Always A Moldova

Howdy all! I second Josie's comment on phonebooks--for the majority of people, I am guessing they mostly end up in the trash can. I wonder what phone book making companies think about that! I do keep one in my car in case I need a quick bit o' information--my car is not yet wired for internet! In 668 we were also talking about the days when people had to write a thesis on a typewriter! Our teacher said many a person had a mental breakdown (or two.)
One more example--how were races timed before the invention of the racing chip? I ran a race yesterday which was chip timed and the system screwed up a bit. The results were delayed and people got a little peeved--how we love our technology!

Anyway, the video on was quite interesting and thought-provoking. The internet has changed (almost) everything in one way or another whether we like it or not. The internet is pretty darn simple yet so complicated. I read somewhere that "trying to explain what Heaven is like would be similar to trying to explain what the internet is to an ant." Granted the book was about religion, but the "ant" reference reminded me of the extent of knowledge about the internet of my fellow villagers in Moldova. How do you explain what the internet is to someone who doesn't have a phone? A car? Indoor plumbing? Where do you begin? I had the frustrating experience of teaching three of my students (who were 17) how to search for stuff on the internet. Granted we were looking for information on the United Nations in Romanian (which is scarce), but I first had to teach them HOW to use the mouse, navigate a web page, and, of all things, to TYPE! They are not stupid people, they just didn't grow up with a wireless Internet laptop in their little hands.
I agree with Sarah. Yes, technology is great, but who are we to think that everyone wants it and/or needs it? Somehow I think that could introduce more difficulties that it could alleviate.

Un comentariu:

Anonim spunea...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!