joi, 27 septembrie 2007

Inspirational Ironman Video

I was going to try to find a cool video related to health communication, but ended up looking at running and tri videos instead like this one: I'm usually not one for sappy stuff, but these two guys are awesome! I guess in a way, this is health commuication, too.

I really don't like sushi

Returning to the topic of personal relevance...the marketing video really made my head sort of spin in the way that people research their target audience---for something (I perceive) as unimportant as motorcycles. Ok, ok, I know there are many Harley Davidson owners who might perhaps disagree a smidge with me. I was talking to my friends after class and brought up the fact that I had NO idea there was an entire separate profession for psychologists in marketing. I wonder if anyone who is first beginning to study psychology thinks about this type of job. But now that I have been exposed to this aspect of marketing...I can imagine this kind of work going in to almost any product (Spam anyone?)
I really enjoyed the segmentation activity--well, both the actual exercise and the chance to get outside and move around. I don't think I've gone outside for class since my German professor used to lecture outside at undergrad. Why don't more teachers do this? I get sleepy if I sit for too long...something to keep in mind if I ever conduct a focus group.
Ok, because I lived in this part of the world for 2.5 years, I found this particularly interesting. A mom in Siberia gave birth to her 12th child at a paltry 17 lbs! Here's the link to the story: Don't worry about the blue stuff-it's called zilionka and it's used sort of like our Neosporin-type topical ointments. I had many a student come in with blue stuff on hands, faces, legs...they even put it on broken bones--good times.

luni, 10 septembrie 2007

Will This Ever Be Reality in America?

Howdy! When you get a second, please watch this 7-ish minute video called, "A Fat Rant." I'm sure many of you have seen this clip before, but the first time I saw it was in a group called "Body Image Psychoeducation" at UCSD's Intensive Outpatient Program for eating disorders this past summer. Our reactions were mixed--ranging from "Gosh, that's empowering!" to "She has a lot of nerve to make this video." While I got a warm fuzzy feeling in my heart that there are people out there who accept themselves and all bodies of all sizes, my realistic (though pessimistic) view is that, sadly, this kind of all encompassing acceptance will probably never exist in America, and well, that kinda sucks. My question to you all: do you think our society will ever fall in step with Joy Nash's "ranting?" As I am currently in the library I can watch, though I can't hear, the multiple clips posted in response to "A Fat Rant." I shall watch them later to see what those folks think (who are more technologically-advanced than I). I realize that my fellow IOP-ers and I have a slightly skewed vision of body image, so I am curious to hear comments from people "on the other side."